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A big part of what I do on the internet is create resources for learning to code so that others can jump into the tech industry just like I did. However just as important as learning to code is nailing the job application process, and this can be challenging even at the best of times.

→ Introducing is a free resume builder that can also generate personalized and job specific cover letters for you in seconds. This can make the job application process 10x faster and 100x easier especially if you’re putting out some a serious number of applications.

You can see how I use in this video!

→ The State of the Job Market

In a similar vein, there is a lot of negative speculation about the state of the job market at the minute and this can be very discouraging for prospective programmers. So to help put a positive spin on the situation, I took some time to do my own analysis and gleam some objective insights. You can learn more in this video!

Stay cool friends and happy coding 🔥
